5 Fun Facts about Killer Whales (Orcas) with Prince of Whales

We are proud to announce we have partnered up with Prince of Whales, a Climate Positive designated marine adventure company, to bring Killer Whale education to students and teachers in the Lower Mainland! With the support of POW, we’ve developed unique 1-hour workshops for students K-12 and a half-day workshop for professional development (Pro-D) days.

A poster with dolphins and orca whales introducing a partnership with Prince of Whales.

Killer Whales, or Orcas, are amazing creatures that live all around the world - especially here in the Pacific Ocean! Here are some fun facts about one of the most beautiful marine mammals.

5 Fun Facts about Killer Whales (Orcas)

An orca whale breaching the surface of water.
  1. Male killer whales have dorsal fins that can stand up to 2 meters tall. That’s taller than the average human male (1.7 m)!

  2. Orcas are the apex predator in every ecosystem they’re found in worldwide! Nothing hunts an orca - not even sharks.

  3. Killer whale social structure is matriarchal; the eldest female of the group is usually the leaders of the family!

  4. Orca males live with their mothers for their entire lives.

  5. Orcas are actually part of the dolphin family, but they are still whales. Dolphins are a type of toothed whale!

All of the above facts were sourced from Prince of Whales.

To access our Killer Whale resources (1-hour workshop and half-day workshop), check out this page!


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