Spooky Sustainability Tips for Halloween 2021
The pandemic has had both positive and negative effects on our environment. On one hand, fewer employees commuting to work reduced emissions created by traffic, but the use of disposable masks and gloves increased the amount of litter found in parks and city streets.
We can’t completely avoid creating garbage but we can reduce the amount of waste that goes to the landfill by creating sustainable traditions in other aspects of our lives - like Halloween festivities!
Here are a few creative tips to improve the sustainability of your Halloween habits!
Donate your Jack O’ Lantern to feed farm animals
When food and other organic materials end up in landfills they don’t biodegrade. Instead, they create methane that contributes to global warming. That’s why it’s important to separate organic materials into your organic bin!
After Halloween, your pumpkin can be given to a local farm, zoo, or animal sanctuary for the animals to snack on (always check ahead to see if donations are accepted).
Where to donate pumpkins this year:
Happy Herd Farm Sanctuary in Langley can be contacted via e-mail for donations at animals@happyherd.org
Drop a comment sharing any more you know of!
Did you know the seeds in the uncarved pumpkins are actually a natural form of parasite control for pigs? If you aren’t snacking on them yourselves, consider refrigerating the pumpkin guts and seeds to drop off together with your pumpkin.
Alternatively, you can simply place your pumpkin into your organics bin with the rest of your food scraps. Just make sure you remove any candles or inorganic decor you might have added to your jack o’ lantern.
Recycle or Up-Cycle Candy Wrappers
Once the sugar high fades and it's time to toss your empty wrappers, consider recycling or re-purposing them.
Bring candy wrappers, chip bags, and more to your local London Drugs or Recycle BC Depot in the “Other Flexible Plastics” collection bin. These types of plastics aren’t accepted in your municipal recycling bins as they must be recycled differently than hard plastics. Here’s a helpful pdf of all the things you can recycle! Did you know you can even drop off items like sliced cheese wrappers and net produce bags?
Choose Decor & Costumes That Will Last
Half the fun of Halloween is the spooky decorations inside and outside your home. Pick items that will last for multiple years, are less likely to break and will grow with you and your family throughout the years.
DIY your costume with items you already own or invest in items you would wear even after Halloween has passed. Thrift stores are the best place to find unique jackets, vintage accessories, and glamorous hats! I found a gorgeous emerald green dress that I’m going to incorporate into my sea-queen costume, and I’ll definitely be re-wearing it to events in the future. Check out these easy-to-thrift costume ideas from A Clean Bee’s blog.
Learn More About Your Impact on Ocean Health
Thank you for considering sustainable options this Halloween season! To learn about the impact of plastic waste on our oceans and waterways check out our free online resources and online workshops for at-home learning for the whole family.
Sea Smart also offers after school programs in Vancouver to teach kids about different marine animals, cool ocean science, the threats impacting these animals and simple actions we can take to help to save our oceans.