5 Ocean Creatures that will get you in the Halloween Spirit!
Do you know what’s lurking in the water?
Beyond the coral reefs and bright coloured waters of our oceans, spooky creatures live in the shadows. Dive in and check out some of our favourite sea creatures that celebrate Halloween all year round!
The Goblin Shark is an elusive fish that has rarely been observed and seldom filmed! This fascinating species lives deep down to the depths of at least 4300 ft (1300 m). They are believed to spend most of their life in the dark, as they only come close to the surface at night. They are recognized by their intimidating appearance and their ability to completely unhinge their jaws while feeding. Beware of the Goblin Shark!
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With a deceptive name, the Vampire Squid is neither a squid nor an octopus. This is a unique animal in its own group and has eight arms and two tentacles. It was given the “vampire” title because of its dark red colour and because the skin that connects its arms resembles a cape. This spooky creature does not suck the blood from victims, but does live in the dark! They live peacefully in the mesopelagic zone, which is a deep, dark, and oxygen-deprived habitat.
Image from Canva
Like a ghost, the Ghost Crab has the ability to be invisible … kind of. The Ghost Crab can change their colours to blend into its surroundings. They are nocturnal and are most active at night. Extremely quick, the ghost grab can disappear in a second due to their ability to run up to 10 miles per hour. They build burrows up to 4 feet deep!
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Unlike most zombies, these worms don’t eat brains… they eat bones! The Zombie Worm, or Osedax, was discovered deep on the seafloor on a rotting Gray Whale nearly 10,000 ft (3,000 m) deep! They don’t have a mouth or stomach, so to consume the fats within the bone. The Zombie Worm secretes acrid from their skin to dissolve the bone and get the fat and protein inside. How these nutrients are passed to the worm is a mystery to scientists!
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The Coffin Fish is a type of fish that only inhabits one area of the world (southwestern Pacific). They live in the deep sea and are known as one of the strangest fish in the ocean because they have a special ability. These fish use their fins to walk on the ocean floor! They have a very unique appearance, diet, and habitat. They live up to 8,000 ft (2,500 m) which is an unsustainable depth for humans.
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