"Our World is Dying and You Don't Care" - A Poem by a Grade 5 student

This week, we’re sharing something a little different. After one of our Species at Risk school workshops in North Vancouver, a 5th-grade student felt compelled to create this poem. She felt so moved that she showed her teacher who then printed it and circulated it around the school to inspire others. We love seeing students take our workshops to heart and share their knowledge with their families, schools and communities. This ripple effect is exactly what we strive to create, every day. 

Thank you to Mr. Steele and his student for letting us share this moving poem:

Our World is Dying and You Don’t Care

Some people live in this perfect bubble. Everything is happy and bright. They are stuck in this place and push away or don’t know about all the cruelty in the world.

The wars, the racism, pollution, our environment dying around us.

There’s those people then there’s the people that watch the world burn or the people that actually try to make a difference. 

People like John vidal, David Adam, Angela Merkel, Jonathan watts, and Leo Hickman.

What? You don’t know who those people are? They are people trying to save the earth.
Yes it’s only a little but they are trying there best. 

Risking their lives and they’re using their precious time to fix our earth.

They are fixing the problems we started and what are we doing?

Nothing. We are doing nothing or even making the problem worse.

You could do the smallest thing and it would help, use recyclable bags, save electricity, use less water.

I could go on and on. Just the littlest things can help. You might not know this but the natural world is changing, and we are totally depending on that world and it provides our food, water, and air,

It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it. But we aren’t. What are we doing?

Laying on the couch watching movies and not giving a care in the world to what’s going on around us.

Dropping your garbage on the ground not caring at all if it gets sucked into the ocean, eaten by an innocent animal and kills it. You might not care at all. Did you know globally,
It is estimated that over 100 million marine mammals are killed each year by plastic waste.

This includes species mentioned above as well as fish, seals and birds.

I know you know that all this is happening and you still don’t care do you.

You say “oh I’ll do as much as I can and save the world” oh sure.

Listen to yourself! I know you're just saying that But really. You need to do something to save this world.

Our world, our home, our life support is dying and you don’t seem to care. Look outside… what do you see?

Green grass? Trees? Birds flying in huge clear beautiful sky? Well all that gorgeousness will be gone if you don’t do something.

If we keep doing what we are doing now.

It will all be over, did you know pollination is one of the biggest killers killing more than 100 million worldwide, and that more than 1 billion people around the world don’t have access to safe drinking water 5000 people die every day as a result of drinking unclean water. You hear these facts but do you really take it seriously?

This is horrible! Horrendous! Disgusting! And you don’t seem to still understand. I mean look at this…[Student submitted photos]

And how do you feel? Yeah! Keep that emotion and find ways to help this world.
Please. Our home is screaming out for help and we are ignoring it. Let’s go out there and save out stunning earth before we’ve killed it.  

Thank you again to one of our students for writing this stirring and emotional poem. If you’re interested in what other students say about Sea Smart’s programs, read this blog post.


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