Introducing Virtual Sea School

By Willow Beck, Project and Administrative Coordinator, Sea Smart

The world is adjusting to public health protocols in response to COVID-19 and Sea Smart has been working diligently to adapt our programs. Teachers are looking for ways to reach their students remotely and provide quality education. As well, parents must find solutions to entertain and engage their children while also balancing working from home. 

Virtual Sea School (VSS), an online program that allows educators and students to connect synchronously to learn about marine biology.

To support teachers and parents, Sea Smart has taken our school programs online with Virtual Sea School (VSS)! VSS lets Sea Smart educators connect directly with teachers and students through video conferencing and online activity software such as Kahoot. Experienced science educators lead impactful workshops to bring the ocean into student's homes. Workshops include an engaging mix of presentations, activities, and videos! There are six unique VSS workshops for teachers to choose from. Three for elementary (grades 2-7) and three for high school levels (grades 8-12).

To support teachers and parents, Sea Smart has taken our school programs online with Virtual Sea School (VSS)! VSS lets Sea Smart educators connect directly with teachers and students through video conferencing and online activity software such as Kahoot. Experienced science educators lead impactful workshops to bring the ocean into student's homes. Workshops include an engaging mix of presentations, activities, and videos! There are six unique VSS workshops for teachers to choose from. Three for elementary (grades 2-7) and three for high school levels (grades 8-12).

VSS gives teachers and students quality educational resources and current information on ocean threats. Even more, teachers and marine biologists developed all the materials. Our curriculum follows the BC Ministry of Education’s curriculum and Core Competencies: Communication, Thinking, Personal, and Social. 

A solutions-oriented approach inspires students to take individual action. Our programs show how the cumulative effect of small changes in daily life causes a ripple effect throughout a community. 

Sea Smart’s mission is to inspire and empower the environmental leaders of tomorrow and save our oceans. Our workshops end with students taking Action Pledges that they can share with their families. Action Pledges address threats to aquatic environments and species at risk around Vancouver, such as:

  • reducing single-use plastic consumption

  • buying local and used

  • walking or biking to school instead of driving

  • eating sustainable seafood

  • choosing environmentally friendly personal care products

Students learn how these actions relate to mitigating threats to species at risk that live in the Salish Sea (they are also our neighbours!) such as Southern Resident Killer Whales, Steller Sea Lions, Leatherback Sea Turtles, and Basking Sharks.

Looking for more activities to keep your kids engaged and entertained at home? Check out our Ocean Defender online program for families! For hands-on, screen-free activities take a look at our database of at-home activities. Other organizations are also coming out with great activities too - for more information, click here.


"Our World is Dying and You Don't Care" - A Poem by a Grade 5 student


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