2021: the decade dedicated to our oceans!

2021 is the start of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development! The United Nations says that this decade is a “once in a lifetime opportunity to create a new foundation, across the science-policy interface, to strengthen the management of our oceans and coasts for the benefit of humanity”! What this means, is the world is coming together to deliver ocean science and management, to create solutions for our oceans

An overhead view of a shoreline, with waves crashing on the shore.

What is the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development?

So what exactly is this decade about? In the simplest terms from the United Nations, this decade is “Delivering Science for the Future We Want”. The intergovernmental organization is looking to reverse the decline in ocean health by asking people from around the world to contribute to ocean science. This way the UN can fully support countries in creating improved conditions for sustainable development of the Ocean. They want to bring scientists, policy makers, managers, and service users together to ensure that ocean science can continue to have benefits for both the ocean ecosystem and for society.

“We now have ten years to deliver the science we need for the ocean we want! ⁣”


How will this be implemented?

So how exactly will they be doing this? Here are some of the innovative ways the decade will be conducting and using ocean science:

  • Encouraging inclusive and participative approaches to executing science (Ex. citizen science, data sharing, creating a science community) 

  • Building a better dialogue about the ocean (Combining science with other disciplines, like social sciences and indigenous knowledge) 

  • Closing gaps to share knowledge and information around the world 

  • Giving value to the ocean (Shifting people’s values to see that the ocean has economic, cultural, and security value) 

  • Promoting ocean literacy by developing innovative ways to communicate ocean science 

  • Seeking new innovative funding systems for the ocean

What is Sea Smart doing?

At Sea Smart, we are also creating solutions to better our oceans. We educate, inspire, and empower people of all ages around the world to take action to protect our oceans. Our overall vision and purpose reflect the visions of this new decade. The education of our youth and the empowerment of kids to love and protect the ocean will greatly impact the future of our oceans. This decade is the opportunity to deliver science and education for the ocean our world needs. 

Since our inception in 2016, Sea Smart has inspired hundreds of thousands of people across Canada - and the world - to become ocean heroes. We empower youth, families, teachers, and communities to connect with nature and make the world a better place. Since 2016, we have taught over 30,000 people through in-person programs and educated almost 500,000 students in over 20 countries. Sea Smart is dedicated to continuing to inspire people around the world to love and protect our oceans. We are so excited that this new decade is dedicated to our oceans. Sea Smart will continue to provide ocean literacy for young people, close knowledge gaps, and empower people to love the ocean and science.


Seals vs. Sea lions


Ocean-Friendly New Year's Resolutions for 2022