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Explore The Shore!
Sometimes it can be hard to see what is right under our noses. We go to the shore and play in the sand and the ocean, but how often do we really take the time to sit and just look and explore what is right there around us?
Guest Blog: A Closer Look at Netflix Documentary Seaspiracy
The destruction of marine life and habitats is real, and it is a global issue. Thus, I watched Seaspiracy, the latest controversial documentary produced by Kip Andersen and directed by Ali Tabrizi, with a sense of anticipation at seeing some of today’s biggest ocean issues highlighted to a massive Netflix audience.
Five things you didn't know about sunflower sea stars
The sunflower sea star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) is a large invertebrate species that can be found from the coastline of Alaska, down to Baja California, Mexico, including along the coastline of British Columbia and right here in Vancouver too! It can have anywhere from 16 to 24 arms, and can grow up to one metre in diameter, making it one of the largest sea stars in the northeast Pacific Ocean. And – by sea star standards – it can move fast, covering as much as 1 metre per minute.
National Volunteer Week
Our wonderful volunteers here at Sea Smart are truly the backbone of all the amazing work we do! With their help, we have been able to continue to spread awareness of ocean conservation and reach so many passionate students. As this week is National Volunteer Week, we wanted to take the time to recognize some of the amazing work our volunteers have done for us in the past months.
Leaders in Conservation: Elaine Leung
Leaders in Conservation is series by Sea Smart that has conversations with leaders in the field of conservation from across Canada. Today, we feature Sea Smart founder and Executive Director, Elaine Leung.
Why are wetlands important?
Today is World Wetlands Day, a day dedicated to raising global awareness about the vital role wetlands play for people and for our planet. We in Canada are no stranger to wetlands, as Canada is home to 25% of the world’s wetlands. That’s more than any other country (1)! Wetlands around the world are declining rapidly, which could leave devasting results for all of us. Take a look at why wetlands are important, what is being done to protect them and how Sea Smart is working to support our global water sources.
Ways Your Family Can Help Protect The Ocean During The Decade of Ocean Science
Did you know that 2021 marks the first year in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development? According to the United Nations, oceans cover three-quarters of the earth's surface and 97% of the earth's water. Unfortunately, "roughly 80 percent of marine and coastal pollution originates on land- including agricultural run-off, pesticides, and plastic pollution".
Seals vs. Sea lions
Whether it's a seal or a sea lion, these animals are fun, boisterous marine mammals that have captured the love and affection of people all around the world! Both are pinnipeds, which is a term to describe semi-aquatic mammals. Pinniped means, “fin-footed” in Latin. So even though the animals are similar, they have some large differences! The question is, can you spot them? Here are 5 different ways that will help you tell the difference between seals and sea lions?
2021: the decade dedicated to our oceans!
2021 is the start of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development! The United Nations says that this decade is a “once in a lifetime opportunity to create a new foundation, across the science-policy interface, to strengthen the management of our oceans and coasts for the benefit of humanity”! What this means, is the world is coming together to deliver ocean science and management, to create solutions for our oceans.
Ocean-Friendly New Year's Resolutions for 2022
The New Year is a great time to reset and try setting some ocean-friendly goals for you and your loved ones. We know this year is a little different because we're still combatting COVID19, so we're bringing you a curated list of tips and goals to help you live a more ocean-friendly life in 2022.
Give back to the Ocean this Christmas
Christmas is the time of giving! Whether you’re shopping for a loved one or looking for a way to give to the greater good, why not consider a way that gives back to the ocean? Sea Smart has put together a list of ways you can help the ocean this Holiday sea-son.
Top Three Tips For A Zero Waste Holiday
We know the holiday season is going to look a little different this year, so we’ve compiled a list of eco-friendly tips to make sure that whether you celebrate virtually or in person, it’ll be a green Christmas!
Connecting with our future marine biologists online
It’s 3:55 pm. Deep breath. It’s soon going to start.
A participant enters the waiting room. It’s game time!
I let the first couple of people in and put on a big smile while waiting for their audio to connect. These girls are joining from Girl Scouts of Western Washington and are excited to learn all about marine biology from an expert!
Laugh for a cause on December 1
Join us on Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2020, at 4:30 PM PT (7:30 PM ET), for a live comedy show featuring a great lineup of comedians.
What’s the difference? Biodegradable vs Compostable
Biodegradable and compostable are two words often used to refer to the material used in packaging. They both show up when we're looking for eco-friendly products to purchase. Understanding the difference between them is crucial to comprehend the environmental impact of what we are consuming.
5 ocean animals you haven’t heard of but still need help
The ocean has an uncountable number of marine animal species; crustaceans, corals, invertebrates, mammals, fishes, seabirds. The sea is a complex web where every animal and plant plays a vital role in keeping the ecosystem functioning correctly to maintain life and biodiversity. The extinction of a single plant or animal species may affect the whole biological system, in and out of the oceans since ocean animals' endangerment has unbalanced the ecosystem and, consequently, aggravated ecological issues.
Happy World Teachers' Day!
October 5th is international World Teachers' Day - and in 2020, in particular, I think we can all agree that teachers and educators deserve a special shout-out for all the extra effort they've had to put in to adapt to their students' needs this year.
What happens at a beach clean-up?
Have you ever stopped to look at the amount of garbage present on our beaches in Vancouver? If you look closely, you'll find one or a few pieces of litter every step you take, stuck between the sand, under the benches, close to the water – there are human remainders everywhere.
News Release - How to Homeschool Your Child
Vancouver, B.C. — Due to ongoing concerns about COVID-19, some parents will choose to keep their children at home when schools reopen in September. But they may worry they can’t provide the same level of education that a certified educator can. Sea Smart, the Vancouver-based charity that delivers environmental education programs, is offering families new online courses to keep kids educated and engaged while they are being home-schooled.
Aquatic Species at Risk School Workshops
Attention BC teachers, we’re here to help you! Have you heard about Sea Smart’s Aquatic Species at Risk Workshops? These workshops are developed in partnership with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to foster environmental stewardship by guiding students through Youth Action Projects. Working in groups, students develop impactful projects that directly address threats to species at risk in the Salish Sea, including Southern Resident Killer Whales, Steller Sea Lions, Basking Sharks, and Leatherback Sea Turtles! Even better, workshops align with the BC Curriculum Core Competencies.